Lovely Ugly Cruel World #9
Well, if I was hoping to nail down an opinion on Amanda’s comical prowess with this issue, it’ll have to wait until I find another actual comic from her. This issue is mostly a text story with bits of comic thrown in, as the “relationship” between Amelia and Francis is fully explored. The issue alternates between Amelia’s take (which is most of the issue) and a small bit where Francis discusses Amelia briefly with a couple of friends. It’s mostly about reading between the lines, as neither actually comes out and admits liking the other, but there’s plenty to dig into in this issue. I like my comics with a bit more, you know, comics in them, but it’s a fine line, and it’s clear that Amanda was trying something a little different this time around, which pretty much always gets a round of applause from me. The only part I didn’t like was the extended dialogue about being goth versus not being goth, and that’s mostly because I’m getting older all the time and that whole argument is utterly uninteresting to me. Overall it’s another solid issue though, with what appears to be something dangerously close to a happy ending. Worth checking out, especially if the “goth or not” discussion means more to you than it does to me. $2