Before I say anything, if you’re ever in a car with this woman or on the road with her somewhere, watch out. This is a book of car accidents and odd things that have happened to her while in a car. Granted, a whole lot of these things weren’t her fault and a few could just be chalked up to bad luck, but this is a comic about 21 bad things that have happened to her while driving in the past 4 years. The art’s not great (had trouble telling exactly what a few things were) but it’s not terrible either. You don’t need much to tell these stories, so the minimalist approach worked fine. Her stories are engaging and you feel nothing but sympathy for the poor girl when it’s done. Good stuff, I’d like to see the next issue, but I’m not sure if she’d survive another 21 bad things happening to her. It’s a couple of bucks (probably), send her an e-mail.