Meehan, Bram – Raised By Squirrels: Los Alamos (with Monica Meehan)


Raised By Squirrels: Los Alamos

This story is about two issues away from requiring a glossary of some kind at the start of the book just to keep up with the huge cast of characters. And, in case you don’t read this site much, I think that’s great. Following the main story here (more on that shortly) there are 4 short stories, basically brief histories of 4 characters done by 4 different artists. Dean Bookman (art by Jeff Kilburn), Rose Moscato (art by Dale DeForest), Janet Riordan (art by Pete Ziomek) and Reginald Martin (art by Jeff Benham), who also features prominently in the central story of the issue. Rose and Tyler are searching around Los Alamos when they run across a strange energy reading, which leads them directly to an elderly Reginald Martin. Most of the issue deals with the history of this project and just how they got to where they are today, but there are still plenty of things to be left uncovered and, like I said, a sprawling cast of characters with various known and unknown motivations. All of the “back-up” stories (it just feels odd calling them “back-up when they seem so integral to the story in the long run) are labelled as Part 1, which is going to turn into a great tool to flesh these people out without interfering with the larger story, another great idea by Bram. I’m hooked, I admit it, can’t wait to see where this whole thing is going, and I love the idea that it’s probably going to take years for the picture to come into any kind of clarity. That’s provided that they keep this up at the current pace or something near it, but so far so good on that front. Again, this is perfect for anybody out there who likes mysteries, or thrillers, or super heroes… hell, if they throw a few zombies or moping slacker types, they can have every audience in comics covered. Great stuff, probably best in large chunks, which should be a lot more possible in six months or so when they have another one or two of these collections out… $5.95

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