Madden-Connor, Jonas – Ochre Ellipse #1



Ochre Ellipse #1

First issues are generally a time to work the bugs out, to get everything in their proper order for better future issues.  Jonas gets right out of the gate with a fantastic first issue, and it sounds like #2 was nominated for all sorts of awards, so it only gets better from here.  Theoretically, anyway, as it’s possible that the Ignatz people suddenly lost all taste in comics.  This mini has a few different stories that could all be distinct, but Jonas ties almost everything in nicely.  Things start off with a man talking about the migratory habits of birds and moving on to a race of tiny men and their tiny horses.  The next story only has a tangential connection to that, as it’s about a bird-like human who grows out of his apartment and keeps right on uncontrollably growing.  This is the heart of the book and it’s the human touch that sells it.  The bird man doesn’t know what’s happening and awkwardly tries to navigate through these changes, with mixed results.  This leads to another young bird creature (normal size this time) riding an airplane and fantasizing about riding his bike along the clouds.  The clouds feel the need to chat with this young boy about this theory, which is great fun for the other passengers.  Finally there’s a text story called Lorbrulgrud, an excellent capper to the comic, as it starts with a few people trying to hide from a giant peering down at them.  We gradually learn more about them, but less about how exactly they got in their situation.  It’s an excellent comic, and I’d be saying that even if I didn’t know that there was more (and quite possibly better) comics to come.  $3


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