Lia, Simone – Second (with Tom Gauld)



A terrible comic from London, OH on Monday is followed by a sweet and funny one from London England today. I’m not sure who does what here. I’m guessing that Tom writes and Simone draws just because that’s usually the order of the names, but it doesn’t really matter. They’re both essential to the success of this book. That might not make all that much sense when you consider that the art is very simple and uncomplicated, but it just works perfectly. Let’s see here, there’s a sweetcorn kernal, some wrestlers, a rabbit, a monkey nut, bread, bhagi, relationships… Lots of food stuff I guess, but this has it all. I defy anyone reading this not to be cheered up when it’s over with. $5, go to the website to order it. OK, if you don’t like this sample you don’t have to order it, but good luck not liking it.

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