Lee, Rainer – Super Whiz #1


Super Whiz #1

It’s a damned shame about this book. I really, really wanted to like it. Rainer has a fairly unique take on the punchline, with it often blowing up into a grand spectacle in place of what would probably be a fairly cliched finale. The trouble is that it’s often the same punchline and/or joke: poop. Poop in various forms can be funny; everybody knows this by now. But when you feel the need to throw it in constantly, at some point I have to start thinking that Rainer doesn’t have much more than that to say. This is a collection of gags and short strips, the funniest being the adventures of Tuxedo Bandit, mostly because he does nothing but harass an evil professor. Even that degenerates into constant poop jokes after a few adventures though, sadly. If this comes across like I’m some puritan who can’t stand scatological humor, wander around the website a bit, it should be fairly obvious that that’s not always the case. And I did laugh out loud a few times while reading this, always the sign of a successful comic, or at least the sign that there’s some serious potential here. I guess what I’m trying to say is: try harder next time, dammit! $3

Posted on April 24, 2010, in Reviews and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Lee, Rainer – Super Whiz #1.

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