Jackson, Rob – 8 Stories


8 Stories

Hey, guess how many stories are in this one?  Rob has to be one of the more prolific small press folks out there, which is a good thing as he always has something interesting to talk about.  First up there’s the story that covers the bulk of the comic, written by Shonagh Ingram, about a city by the lake that falls in love with a reflection of itself.  As you can probably guess if you’ve read the fable about the dog that sees another dog in the lake that is also holding a bone and tries to grab it, things don’t end well.  Next up are a series of short pieces, one about Rob’s rules of life (part 6 in a series where the first five parts are mysteriously missing), the comic sampled below, a story about Rob finally climbing a small mountain near his home, a disgustingly hilarious piece about the Math-Ro-Mancer, and a shortie detailing something that a lot of people already know: kayaks are horrible, horrible things.  Things go off the rails a bit in the last story, as Rob details his night out seeing a favorite band from his past, apparently drawing the story at the bar, if the quality of the art and the handwriting is any indication.  There’s also the lovely fact that the copying was off for this story, so bits of text are chopped right off of every page, which is probably for the best as it’s mostly illegible anyway.  Exceptions to the lousy art and handwriting are in the story, but overall it’s better skipped, as that still leaves you with 7 great stories.  Oh, and there’s also the one on the back (which I almost missed until I scanned the comic) about a vending machine and its dream of taking over the world.  OK, so it’s not a perfect comic, but anything that’s 7/8 fascinating still has a lot going for it.

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