Morgenmuffel #12
Here’s another solid bunch of stories. Lots of stuff for your buck too: it probably took me about an hour to read this whole thing. Text pieces, comics, reviews, hate lists… a diverse selection of stuff to keep you interested. Stories in here include passing the time, cycling, yeast infections, their club, drinking (and drunken stories), eczema, and working (or being unemployed). In other words, she doesn’t shy away from the goriest personal details, but she always keeps it entertaining. Good stuff all around. I said it in the last review and I’ll repeat myself here: I wish there were more comics out there like this. Seems like a bunch of them are just thrown together at the last minute to have something for the next convention, while stuff like this are done over a long period of time and are so obviously done with love of the medium. Contact info is up there and apparently there’ll soon be a collection of #2-11, which will probably take something like 8 days to read, but at least it’ll be worth it…