Hurd, Damon & Gill, Tatiana – A Strange Day


A Strange Day (with Tatiana Gill)

Well, my scanner died right after I scanned the cover, so sorry about the lack of samples. Who out there was a Cure fan back in the day? If so, you’re going to get an awful lot out of this book. If not, well, you’re probably still going to get a lot out of this book, at least if you were ever a teenager you will. I’m not sure if I was ever that young, but there seems to be photographic evidence of some kind, so maybe it is true. The quote at the start of this shows the mood you need to be in to read it: “Open this book as the sixteen year old that fell in love at first sight and took themselves all too seriously”. This is the story of a young boy and a young girl who both, without having ever met each other before, skip school to get the new Cure album when it comes out and end up spending the day together. I have no idea how Damon pulled off dialogue this realistic, as I assume he isn’t 16 any more and this seems as natural as can be. Not that it’s impossible, but it seems like when some people try to write as teenagers would talk that it comes off, well, a bit silly. No problem with that here. Tatiana also does an incredible job showing the complete range of emotions that most teenagers go through in a couple of hours. Good stuff all around, it’s only $3.95 too so it’s well worth checking out.

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