Miner Distractions #1
One of the most gratifying things about this “job” is watching comics creators develop. I’d say this issue is the biggest single leap for Jeffrey since… well, since I’ve been reading his stuff anyway. That being said, you might find it hard to believe me when I tell you that the whole issue is about dog poop, but it’s true. The cast has been trimmed considerably, down to Lexi (his wife, basically), Miner 59er (himself, basically), Kiwi and Bat, which makes for a much simpler book. Or maybe it’s simpler because it’s all about crap? Well, whatever the case, his art continues to improve by leaps and bounds (and it wasn’t bad to begin with), and he manages to throw in cameos by all sorts of comics folks, as is explained by Tony Danza at the back of the book. Hey, I’m not making this up. The crap in question is being left by a neighbor’s dog, which leads to the conflict in the story. Good stuff, funny ending, the only thing I could suggest improving about it would maybe be to put a little sound effect in at the end. I’m not going to say what kind of sound effect, as that would give away the ending, but I know that some greeting cards use the technology, and in my opinion it would have made the comic one of the best things ever. Still, even without sound effects, this is well worth a look. It’s $2, I’m sure contact info is somewhere on this page, as it’s sure not in the book…